Capture the Color Game

lille in the wild 2

Is berry red or pink? #BoomFoundBerry! #ChameLILLEon

Do you own a #ChameLILLEon carrier? Come join our Capture the Color Game!

We get asked all the time what the true colors of our vibrant carriers are. Up until now, our COMPLETE All Seasons and AirFlow in berry/charcoal was the biggest source of controversy. Now that Embossed has joined the LÍLLÉbaby family, the debate over Coral, Navy, Teal, and especially Citrus has been huge!  Do you own a "chameleon" LÍLLÉ, one of our carriers that changes colors depending on your environment? Perhaps one of your other LÍLLÉ's has you color inspired?

capture the lille 1 A row of Capture the Color game! #ChameLILLEon #totallyteal #searchingforcitrus #nowthatsnavy.

Now is your chance to tell us what color YOU think it is!  Join our Capture the Color game, take your LÍLLÉbaby carriers out on the town and find its color twin! Does your Coral look like your daughter's favorite dress? Perhaps Citrus matches the sign at your favorite coffee shop? Show us how you Capture the Color! 

Use the hashtag #ChameLILLEon as well as the hashtag for the carrier you're playing the game with:


Share your picture posts, with hashtags so we can find them, on Instagram and Facebook (don't forget to make them a public post so we can see them!) What's a game without prizes? We'll be watching for your colorful photos until August 3, and can't wait to share the #LILLElove with you! All LILLE carrier owners are welcome to play, just make sure you use the #ChameLILLEon hashtag, and if it's something other than the color tags we posted, get creative! We've already seen a #FindingFinch!

#ChameLILLEon #SearchingForCitrus

#ChameLILLEon #SearchingForCitrus









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Capture the Color Game