LÍLLÉ Love Letters - Lee Ann on Gratitude

by Lee Ann

LÍLLÉ Love Letters - Lee Ann on Gratitude

Babywearing has been a wonderful part of my mommy life. I can't tell you what first interested me in babywearing, but I can tell you why I fell in love with it and why I do it today. There are MANY reasons that I am grateful. My number one reason, is that I can hold my babies close. They're only young once. They're only little once. They only let you hold them tight for so long. I'm going to hold on for as long as they'll let me.

LÍLLÉ Love Letters - Lee Ann on Gratitude

My oldest, Leilani, is two years old and still loves to be carried. She is a wonderfully snuggly kid that still lets me rock her to sleep every now and then. She loves to give hugs and kisses and always knows how to put a smile on your face. Whenever I am putting a carrier on, she runs over with her arms out saying, "Up!" I love that she gets so excited and that she wants to be so close to me.

LÍLLÉ Love Letters - Lee Ann on Gratitude

Then there is my youngest, Landon, who is almost 6 months old. Even as a baby, he never wanted to be snuggled, unless I get him in a carrier. Then he will snuggle right in and doesn't try to squirm away from me. Again, I want to hold my baby close for as long as possible and my LÍLLÉbaby allows me to do that. For that I will forever be grateful.

LÍLLÉ Love Letters - Lee Ann on Gratitude

LÍLLÉbaby also allows me to be hands free. When I went to our children's museum with both kids, without my husband, I was very grateful for this feature. Leilani wanted to run from station to station and I could barely keep up with her. The stations were small and there is no way I could have gotten a stroller around that quickly or in the space allowed.

LÍLLÉ Love Letters - Lee Ann on Gratitude

And who doesn't love the snuggles and especially the kisses. There is something about when Leilani is in the carrier and she takes a deep breath, lays her head on my chest and just holds on to me. And when she stares up at me and then makes that cute kissy face because she wants a kiss. Melts my heart every time. I will miss that so much someday!

LÍLLÉ Love Letters - Lee Ann on Gratitude

And last but not least, I am grateful that I can hold my daughter's hand while still holding my son close. It's such an awesome feeling when she looks up at me and holds her hand out. I can also hold my husband's hand when we take a family walk. If both kids are in carriers and neither of us is chasing Leilani around, we have a rare quiet moment to hold hands and soak it all in. Because family is what life is all about and I'm grateful that I can share mine with you.

For more of Lee Ann and her beautiful family, visit her blog:

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LÍLLÉ Love Letters - Lee Ann on Gratitude