This Veterans Day We Are Highlighting The Story Of A LÍLLÉbaby Ambassador

In honor of Veterans Day, we’re highlighting the story of one of our Brand Ambassadors, Kenyana Ford. Today and every day, we honor all military veterans and all those who have served to protect us and our country. 

Hi Kenyana, thank you so much for your service. How long have you been in the Army and what led you to join? 

I've been in the army for 4 years. I made the decision to join for my family. We were homeless at the time of this life changing decision. I had to do what was best for my mother and brothers. 

What is the most challenging part about being a military mom? 

The most challenging part about being a military mother would have to be spending time away from your child(ren). Field rotations and deployment takes a toll on parents all the time. 

What does a typical day look like for you while on active duty? 

A normal day for me looks like: 

-4:30am wake up and pack bags needed for the day 

-5:30am drop son off to daycare 

-6:30 to 7:30am PT time 

-7:30 to 9am personal hygiene and breakfast  

-9 to 11:30am work 

-10:30am pump 

-11:30 to 1300 lunch break 

-1330pm pump break 

-1300-1700 continue working 

-1700 end of workday 

-1715 pick my son up from daycare 

What do you think is a common misconception about military moms? 

The main misconception of military moms would be people thinking we don't care nor love our children enough. We love our kids enough to make sure their future is secured and that they are able to live comfortably. 

You are a breastfeeding and babywearing pro. How has this helped or presented challenges for you with your nearly 2-year old son?  

It was almost second nature for me to breastfeed while serving in the military. I've always wanted to give it a try, due to it being outside the norm in my family. Although breastfeeding is strongly encouraged in the Army, it has posed problems before. In the midst of me trying to balance being a mother and soldier, my milk supply dropped drastically. I wasn't taking care of myself due to being stressed and overwhelmed. Babywearing was a lifesaver during this time. It gave us both the comfort we needed. 

How long have you been a LÍLLÉbaby Brand Ambassador? 

I’ve been a Brand Ambassador since March 2019. 

What is your favorite quote? 

“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.”-Maya Angelou 

Two organizations close to Kenyana’s heart are The Wounded Warrior Project and Disabled American Veteran. To learn how you can support either of these non-profit organizations, visit their websites highlighted above. 



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This Veterans Day We Are Highlighting The Story Of A LÍLLÉbaby Ambassa