News | Awards, Media & Press

LÍLLÉ Love Letters - Cheyenne on "Exploration"
by Cheyenne @chey.levinsonMy husband and I lived on the same floor our Freshman year of college and met through the Outdoor Residential Living Community, an awesome program our school had to help ease the transition to college and connect you...
Our Green Commitment
To read more about LÍLLÉbaby's Green Commitment, visit our website:Click here!
LÍLLÉ Lessons: 4 Ways Babywearing Makes Traveling a Breeze!
If you and your family are still planning your late summer travels, here are four reasons to consider bringing LÍLLÉbaby along for the ride! Carriers were MADE for airports!  You're hauling your luggage, your other kids, your coffee, and your...
#LÍLLÉletsme Travel Log
As part of our travel mania this week, we've put together a few of our favorite vacation memories from our LÍLLÉbaby lovers on Instagram!  Scroll over for tips and comments!
LÍLLÉ Lessons: The Magic of Oxytocin
You've heard it said that babywearing comes with many benefits - convenience, closeness, comfort, ease - but did you know that traveling chest to chest with baby may actually be setting both of you up for a more peaceful, bonded,...
LÍLLÉ Lessons: Breastfeeding in your Carrier
Hi loves!  Here's a quick video to show you how to easily adjust your COMPLETE to nurse an older baby or toddler on the go!Breastfeeding in your LILLEbaby Carrier from LÍLLÉbaby on Vimeo.This post is part of LÍLLÉbaby's celebration of...
World Breastfeeding Week, and an Epic Giveaway!
This week, LÍLLÉbaby is proud to join with parents and caretakers all over the world to celebrate World Breastfeeding Week!We love and support you however you feed your babies, but this week we'll be sharing, supporting, and encouraging specifically our...
Which LÍLLÉ to Love: The COMPLETE Original vs The COMPLETE Embossed
Hi LÍLLÉ lovers!  Here at LÍLLÉbaby, our goal is always to spread the love of babywearing by giving you a variety of options so you can find the baby carrier that suits your specific needs!  But with great options comes...
LÍLLÉ Lessons: Quick Comfort Fix
Hi loves!Today's video lesson is a quick and easy tip to troubleshoot shoulder or back discomfort when wearing your little one - 9 times out of 10, this is the way to quickly and easily make your carry a lot...
Keeping Close & Cool: 5 Tips for Warm Weather Babywearing
Summer is upon us, and with it, long, hot days at fairs, festivals, and events.  Here are five simple tips to keep you and your little one as cool as possible on your summertime babywearing adventures! Choose a carrier with...
LÍLLÉ Lessons: The Chest Clip
It's one of the questions we hear most often:"Hey, LILLEbaby!!  How do I fasten this dang gosh chest clip?"We hear you.  You have a new baby, maybe a sore or recovering body, and trying to reach behind your back to...
LÍLLÉ Love Letter: Luis on "Bond"
by Luis www.indyschild.comI was always a fan of science. I studied chemistry in college. My days were filled with bonds; hydrogen, covalent and ionic bonds. A bond was something natural, powerful and above all: stable. For that reason, the concept...
Because of you, Dad...
Because of you, Dad, I know what love looks like. Because of you, Dad, I'm learning to carry, to journey, to keep, to hold. Because of you, Dad, I am an explorer, with a wide open world before me. Because...
With You for the Journey: A LÍLLÉ Love Story we knew you, we carried youHeld you in our hearts, a beginning, a sparkAnd then, you were here - the most precious giftAnd from our first beautiful, fumbling moments, you just wanted us to carry youSo we carried youAnd...
LÍLLÉ Lessons: When are You Ready for the CarryOn Toddler Carrier?
One of the questions we get asked most frequently is "When is my toddler ready to move up to the CarryOn?"  It's a great question, and the answer is mostly a simple one, but we wanted to take a moment...
LÍLLÉ Love Letters: Ali on "Anchored"
by Ali Hope for EthanI called the sea my home for nearly six years.  We sailed from one country to the next, and every morning I would pull on my scrubs and run down the three flights of stairs to...
LÍLLÉ Lessons: Kissably Close - Why and How to Keep Baby Close Enough to Kiss
Hi loves!  Today's LÍLLÉ Lesson is a reminder to wear your little one "kissably close!"Why should you wear baby kissably close?The School of Babywearing  and the UK Sling Consortium define close enough to kiss this way:"Your baby’s head should be...
LÍLLÉ Lessons: The Narrow Seat
Hi loves!  Welcome to our new series - LÍLLÉ Lessons!  Today, we want to focus on the Narrow Seat function of our carrier - specifically, the why, the how, and the when!Why a narrow seat function?LÍLLÉbaby set out to create...
I Will Be Your Mother
There was a time, a long time, before you, when I belonged entirely to myself. Sometimes I sit and remember that girl – the careless way she traveled through the world, the ease with which she made plans and changed...
Building the Bond - LILLEbaby, Lessons, and the Bond Conference in New York City
At LÍLLÉbaby, the motivation that drives us is deep and essential - to help create ease and comfort for parents in the early years of parenting, to help them raise healthy, thriving babies, and to facilitate the bond between parent...
LÍLLÉ Love Letters: Alyssa on "Sweetness"
by Alyssa www.momtalkreviews.comThe day I became a mother I also became your teacher. It is my duty to teach you about the important things in life such as manners and to educate you on our world as much as possible....
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